Dupa cutremurul din Japonia, dar si eruptiile din Kamceatka si Indonezia, care au avut loc la putin timp dupa o explozie solara majora si dupa ce seismul din Noua Zeelanda a fost declanasat dupa o eruptie solara de intensitate 2X1 (foarte mare) au aparut teorii are sustin ca activitatea solara poategenera astfel de catastrofe, prin dereglari ale campului magnetic terestru. Furtunile solare care urmeaza exploziilor pot duce la dezechilibre in scoarta terestra.
Ca urmare, NASA a inceput sa ia in calcul aceasta evidenta si sa caute un model de lucru dupa sistemul propus de Jim Berkland. Poate fi doar o coincidentam, dar in acelasi timp se poate sti, daca e adevarat, o prognoza asupra cutremurelor ce pot fi prezise, iata cu o zi, o zi jumate mai devreme. Iata ce se crede, acum, la NASA:
"The Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System
Whether solar flares can trigger earthquakes?
Jain, R.
American Geophysical Union, abstract #IN33A-03
We propose a model explaining the charged particles accelerated during the solar flare and released in the space that undergone further acceleration by interplanetary shocks and produce the ring current in the earth's magnetosphere, which may enhance the process of tectonics plates motion abruptly at fault zones.
It is further proposed that such sudden enhancement in the process of tectonic motion of plates in fault zones may increase abruptly the heat gradients on spatial (dT/dx) and temporal (dT/dt) scales responsible for earthquakes."
Ca urmare, NASA a inceput sa ia in calcul aceasta evidenta si sa caute un model de lucru dupa sistemul propus de Jim Berkland. Poate fi doar o coincidentam, dar in acelasi timp se poate sti, daca e adevarat, o prognoza asupra cutremurelor ce pot fi prezise, iata cu o zi, o zi jumate mai devreme. Iata ce se crede, acum, la NASA:
"The Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System
Whether solar flares can trigger earthquakes?
Jain, R.
American Geophysical Union, abstract #IN33A-03
We propose a model explaining the charged particles accelerated during the solar flare and released in the space that undergone further acceleration by interplanetary shocks and produce the ring current in the earth's magnetosphere, which may enhance the process of tectonics plates motion abruptly at fault zones.
It is further proposed that such sudden enhancement in the process of tectonic motion of plates in fault zones may increase abruptly the heat gradients on spatial (dT/dx) and temporal (dT/dt) scales responsible for earthquakes."
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